Monday, October 16, 2006

Life Lesson Number 4

Nothing screams high comedy like late nights and a stack of crumpled up money. So let me be one of the very first to say hello to our new Google Overlords and welcome them to come ransack my apartment at their leisure. Many questions will accopmany this invasion of privacy of course. What will they be looking for? How many liberties will they take with my sleeping roommates? Should I clean up the place before they get here? I don't have all the answers, but I do know this; I've been paid so everybody else can stick it.

Now which multi-billion dollar corporation would like a foot rub huh?


Josh said...

Let's hear it for easy money.

It seems like TV static is gonna be the meme this week, I did it too.

Anonymous said...

that was great, full of comedy and the love of money. The money in the Mug of water was the best, with your evil laugh.

chris weagel said...

Can I borrow $35?

Chris Weagel

Sean said...

You look soo so tired.

And the money in the mouth thing was so successfully fucking goddamn disgusting that I have to appreciate it.

aka Victoria Lucas said...

I just like the expression, "richer than god".

I think your character is developing nicely and your sense of humor is continuous but remains fresh. Good job.

zach kmiec said...

"far from the prying hands of culture." golden. yeah, good stuff man, respeck for that counter in the lower lefthand corner.