Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Mr. Squiggle's and Pauls's Book of the Month!


chris weagel said...

I liked the first cut where the glasses fell off.

Put Paul on a mug and I might consider thinking about buying one.

Chris Weagel

Anonymous said...

Finally, a puppet movie. And a good one at that. Very entertaining. Does it take two people to control that puppet?

aka Victoria Lucas said...

brunski into 3d picture = priceless.

Anonymous said...

good character for squiggles, once again very believeable. I like mr. squiggles.

zach kmiec said...

dag, that is one high quality puppet! and excellent puppeteering, I might add. A nice sketch, and cool interplay between mr. squiggles and Paul...or is it between you and paul?

AndrewHart said...

Mr. Squiggles is adorable. I want more Mr. Squiggles! This post was great.

Josh said...

I loved it when he motorboated that book.

the real victoria lucas said...

looks like paul is going to kiss the puppet

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